A Guide to Ad Variations

  • Published: 23rd Sep 22
  • Tags: Ad Variations, Google Ads, PPC

Ad Variations are additional ads can be inserted into ad groups in order to test the strongest one. This addition to Google Ads is a useful tool to deduce the most successful ad in the most efficient way. The utilisation of Ad Variations can be valuable to your strategy because they can:

  1. Improve the performance of your ads 
  2. Lower your cost per click 
  3. Increase your conversions  

Here at Up Digital, we use Ad Variations for these possibilities.


Setting up Ad Variations in your account is simple, and doing so could help improve the traffic coming to your business.

How to set up Ad Variations:


Start by using the grey navigation menu on the left hand side of the interface, scroll to the bottom and select ‘Experiments’.









At the top of this page, click on to Ad Variations and from here you can start adding the variations by clicking on the blue button.



Here, choose the campaign in which you would like to test Ad Variations. You can test across the account or each campaign individually and it will test the performance. For example, you can test how well ads would perform should you change something like your call to action from ‘Get in Touch Today’ to ‘Call Now for a Quote’, as follows.

You will then want to name your variation and decide the Experiment Split. Here, enter the percentage you’d like to allocate your ad variations. Your ad variations will then be split, and search users will only see one type of ad. This ensures that your data will be accurate, and will be visible in the interface. Data for clicks, costs, average CPC, CPA and impressions will be trackable and you will be able to clearly identify which ad is running more successfully.

If the new variation is performing more effectively than the original ad, it’ll be time to apply the variation! Google Ads Variation makes it effortless to take a fine tooth comb through your ads and improve their efficacy, ultimately elevating your business.